Added Colors

mom iz still putin ting in mah boxez. i keep tryin 2 taek em out but she wont let me! i still doan no how im gona pulay in mah boxez if she puts stuff in em! dad came home an took mom off again. doan no wer they goin but i wish they wuzent goin so mutch. i no they mis me when they not her! evry tiem he takez her away an they come bak, they got colord stuff on them an thir clothez. it sure iz pritty. i still doan no wut they doin but i knoe it must be fun. maby they let me go do it 2! watchin them sure makez me tird an hungry. i finkz ill go eat an sleep sum! ill talk 2 u latr attr i eat an sleep!

Something strange is happening!

i must be gud kitteh or sumthin! doan no, but mom an dad iz bein gud 2 me! they brout me sum new boxez 2 pulay in. i luv 2 pulay in boxez. im cunfusd lil! they keep on moovin sum things around lot. mah chairs keep movin! sum stuff even keeps goin wai! dad jus taskz things out uv teh houz. mom keeps putin things in mah boxez. when i git in mah boxez they brout me, she makez me git out! i doan no y they brin me boxez an wants let me pulay wif um! when i find out whut iz goin on ill tell u!

Mom’s Home Page

mom has paeg nao. u ned 2 c momas paeg. dad made it jus 4 her. mom has nevr put anythin on it but it still her paeg. dad put her naym an sum picturez ov an angel on it 4 her. iz not as gud as mah paeg but it be gud paeg. i r so vry tird frum lookin at all thees pagez. i finkz im goin 2 taek nap or eat or pulay or sleep or somethin. while i doez, look at moma’s paeg. she hasnt got mutch thar but it will mak her feelz gud if u look at it anyway!

mary Mom’s Home Page